2017 Business Powered Scholarship Applications
(Online Marketing Not Required)

The BusinessPowered.com internet advertising company funds our Marketing Scholarship Program. All essays become the property of Business powered. All scholarships are one-time awards of $1,000. Awards are non-renewable; however, recipients may apply for consideration in subsequent years if they continue to meet eligibility requirements. Scholarship awards are sent directly to the recipient’s academic institution.
Scholarships are paid in December for the recipient’s following semester tuition and fees.
BusinessPowered.com Internet Marketing Scholarship
Level: High school students entering the first year of college or current undergraduate or graduate student.
Occurs: Annually
Application Deadline: December 15, 2017
Date Awarded: December 31, 2017
Privacy: All personal information is private and not shared or sold.
Scholarship Application Requirements:
Essay – A core value at BusinessPowered.com is innovation, which sometimes comes from places that are unlikely.
A short introduction about your life story 300 -500 words and an essay between 750 and 1,000 words. Share with Business Powered a subject below in bullets related to the following, “How business marketing online helps your business grow customers and profits”
We recommend you read our Marketing Services but not required:
- Google Local
- Google Marketing
- Google Maps
- Google My Business
- Marketing Strategies
- Search Engine Optimization
Selection Criteria for Awards:
- Legal resident of Canada or USA
- Be enrolled currently in a college or university
- Must have a 2.5 cumulative GPA or higher
- Business Marketing Essay
- Originality and creativity of essay submission
- Business Marketing Essay
- Your life story
By submitting an entry, scholarship applicants acknowledge that they have read and agree to the full terms and conditions of the scholarship.
All applications should be sent to scholarship(at)businesspowered.com